Saturday, August 13, 2011

Around the World With Pre-k Theme

I posted the question to my Facebook friends about new and exciting ideas for the coming school year and my friend Jenny sent me two websites to check out.  Thanks Jenny. While I was checking out one of the sites there was a theme of "Around the World" , it dawned on me that should be my theme for the coming school year.  I took Great Expectations this summer in June and one of the classes I signed up for was "Around the World with GE" so there you have it my theme for the school year.  I am going to focus on a different country each month while trying to connect it with any holidays or celebrations within that month.  For example, May-Mexico(Cinco de Mayo), March-Ireland/Scotland (St. Patrick's Day), February-Africa (Black History Month), and January-China (Chinese New year) are some examples.  I need to figure out the other countries for the rest of the months we have in school.  I will then take each month and break it down into aspects I want to cover each month with each country.  This might be a lot of work for me to chew on but I think I can do it and make it work.  I will post the full year and what countries I will be covering later.  So the researching begins to find ideas, books, etc .

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