Monday, August 11, 2014

Many Memories

I started working in my classroom today.  We begin school in about 9 days.  This is the beginning of my 14th year of teaching and my last year in the room I have been in for the last 8 years.  I am excited about moving to a brand new classroom (which is still under construction) but sadden too.  In the last 8 years I have had 160 students.  Many of those were siblings of ones I have taught before.  Watching each child come into my room scared, curious and even excited to be at school.  I have dried many tears, clean up my far share of messes, and much more.  I too was scared, curious, and excited all at the same time each year with the new batch of babies that walked through my doors.

As this year is about to start, there are many changes taking place some I like some I don't like.  I am once again scared, excited, and curious how the year will be.  I am starting to prepare my room for the new students and as well as packing up those things we don't need for the move to a new room some time this year. What will behold us this year?