Saturday, July 26, 2014

PTA Conference

I got to attend the Oklahoma PTA Conference that was held in Tulsa, Ok this past week.  I was pretty excited to have a mini vacation.  I attended with two other ladies who are my BFFs and are part of our PTA board at my school.  I became active with my PTA this past school year.  I was voted in as the VP of our PTA.  We got to stay at the Renaissance Hotel.  The conference was a 3 day conference with mini sessions and then several general sessions.  Our first key not speaker was our Governor and she proceeded to pretend she has education number 1 in her books.  But those were all lies.  I won't go on about her and why but lets just say her and our State Superintend have both screwed our children over during their rule.

 The lovely ladies I attended with.  We had some fun being silly for a photo and learned quite a bit.  I am not a person who follows politics and such but I am starting to find my voice as a parent and as a teacher to speak up for my students.  This year I want to educate the parents on their voice as well.  We need to take back our education system for our future and for our children.  We are letting people take away our rights and our student's rights.  We did show the state and the politicians we are tired of the BS and we voted out our superintendent.  We will have someone fresh and someone who has taught before help bring Oklahoma from being 49th.
 Selfie of me and my bff while waiting for the conference to start after breakfast.  I am excited to be working with her as our PTA president and this year as her son's teacher.  She will be making a big difference in our school.  In the past my school's PTA didn't do anything and couldn't stay a functioning PTA.  This last year she helped get new members, started several new things to the students like a skate night, school dance, and a silent auction dinner.
If anyone reads my blog please take the time to be a part of your child's PTA, go register to VOTE, and have a voice in education.  We need to let others know education is the number one priority.  Without education our future is grime.  We want our students to be competitive thinkers.  One day they will be running this country and taking care of us when we are old. 

Sorry Been Busy

I haven't been blogging in a while.  A lot has been happening. And Lots of big milestones.  I turned 40 in January, my oldest son turned 18 in January as well.  Then my youngest son turned 16 in April. I made it through my oldest son's senior year in high school.  It was sad to see him hit those milestones you have in high school and to know those were going to be his last ones.  No more football practices, games, the prom, and more but he is moving into the next chapter in his life......COLLEGE!!!  I am very proud of him.  He has his plan in place and I am ready to see him succeed there as he did in high school.

My summer has been busy as well.  I always plan my professional developments really well during the summer months.  June was kind of easy ...I attended the Harweldon Art Institute workshop again. This one explored art through the five senses.  Each day we worked with one of our senses through different art mediums.  My favorite was working with charcoal.  I have never used it or looked at myself as a great drawer.  But the ladies walked us through the processes.  I have to say I really was impressed with my drawing.
Mine is the one on the far right.  This was the first one we did using flowers as our subject.
 My clay hand I made.
 This is another charcoal drawing and is my favorite thing I did.  We had a real model to work with and this is my  work.
These are fish prints using real fish.  It was ok doing this.  I certainly didnt like to touch the fish.  I only touched with the paints not my hands lol.  The rest of June was pretty quiet except for the fact my oldest son got to travel to Paris France as a foreign exchange student.  It was his first time on a plane, out of the country, and away from me for that period of time.  I was excited he got to experience this and I had to let the strings go for him to fly on his own.