Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2013 Classroom Reveal !!!!

Drum roll please......I finally finished my classroom for 2013-2014 school year.  I have been working in my room for the last 3 weeks but I had other things I had to get done in my school, so my room would get put last each day.   I am excited about this school year.  I get to work with a new teacher to Pre-K, we are going through many new changes at my school as well.

So let the tour begin!!!!
 I got both of these new behavior systems from Pinterest.  The Voice Level will help my students see and learn which level is appropriate.  Our school is also implementing it school wide.  The other chart will need me to add the student's clip.  We will all start off on green and either move up for positives or down for negatives. This is the mini version , I made another for in large group.
 This is my math and science area.  My word wall is in the back.  We will be adding words throughout the year on the word wall.  I will be adding their names to the table when I get my final list.
This is my large group area.  This is one of my favorite areas.  I love to read to them as well as use my Promethean Board.  This is the second year to have it in my room.  During center time I also use this area for my block area and the students get to also use the board.
 Here's my Promethean board.  I placed another behavior chart on it.  The green crates I made last year from Pinterest.  The students use them to sit on in the listening center or to stand on when using the board.
 The bulletin board I use for sight words and other items to be shared in at group. I store my personal books behind the curtains.  I also store my listening center books under the book chart
 This is my chair I read stories to them.
 This is my Smart table.  This is shared with the other Pre-K classroom at our school.  Last year was the first year of using this as well.  The students LOVE it.  I have many sorting games for them.  They can also trace letters, numbers, and watch short videos.  The blue board behind it will be part of my student data wall.  This is a new board I put up this year.  I also used clothes pins hot glued to it to place each students data sheet.  This will have to be added when the students come in.  I am using a Chika Chika Boom Boom tracking sheet.  The students will color in each letter they know.
 This is my desk.  Also behind my desk is my center rotation chart.  Our school uses this and it was a learning process to use this one.  ( it is different than what I was using)  Our principal looks for this in our classes when doing her walk troughs and making it on our TLE (teacher evaluation)
 Part of my book area.  I place books we are focusing on with our theme or books I have read (which they fight over those).  Students pick a book after eating breakfast while we wait for all to finish.  Also during center time students choose books or do retelling.
A wide shot of my desk, book area as well as my writing area.  And yes your eyes are seeing a loft.  That is the whole reason I wanted this room when I first came to my school.  This loft will also go with me to my brand new room (that will start being built this September)
 My book area seating and I use the side of my filing cabinet for the students to use magnets letters etc here.
 This is my writing area and is on the other side of the couch.  I have a variety of materials for them to use to explore words, writing, and much more.
 This is my computer area.  I have students work on  I place a green smilie sticker on the mouse to show them where to click and then a red one where they don't click.  I show them the basics on the site but they are really good at figuring out the program on their own.  They usually end up going to the same page and working together.
 This is my loft and I use this for my puppet/retelling area (up top) and my small lego table.  I have chairs for them to sit at and they know only two at a time.  During the first 2-3 weeks I don't open this up to them.
 This is the view from the loft looking at my dramatic play, math/science, and my sensory table.  I use the circle table from  my small group table.  So days I have a hard time doing small groups cause those years I had major behavior issues that had to be dealt with first.
 This is my hall to my bathroom.  I use this area for painting.  Also to store our snacks.  The chairs to the left are used for students to wait on the bathroom. 
 This will be my schedule.  Our school has changed things and this will be the first year that Pre-K will get to in the specials rotations (music , art, PE, and library).  In the past I had to led these activities.
 The beehive is where I place my agenda for the day as well as my learning objectives.  Once again this is being looked at by the principal and others coming into our rooms.  The flower pots are my jobs.  I have 20 jobs (one for each student)  and they have that job all week long.  On Monday I rotate the petals to the right to give them a new job for the coming week.  The ladybugs will have their names on them and this is where they will hang up their backpacks (their coats go on their chairs)  I teach my students when they come into the room to get their daily folder out(put it in my chair), get their blanket out (on Mondays), get their library bag out and then hang up their bags before sitting down to eat breakfast.  We eat breakfast in the classroom.
This is my sensory table.  The first week of school I place scrap paper in the table along with scissors for the students to practice their scissor skills before we actually use them on projects.
This is my dramatic play area.  I have made this area different things like a grocery store, a Chinese restaurant, and much more.
This will be my Chika Boom tree where I will place their names.  Each child will have their picture taken on the first day then placed on a sentence strip with it saying something like this " A is for Addie"

I am so excited to have given you a tour of my classroom.  I will be adding things to it and will keep you up to date on things happening in my room.  Please feel free to leave me comments or things I can do better.

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