Monday, June 15, 2015

Trip of a Life Time

I had the amazing honor to see my ideal speak at my son's school in February of this year.  He told us his journey on how he came to where he is at now.  Something he said hit me with real meaning.  He said "If you have a dream, you should just do it"  I thought about that all day after hearing him speak. I decided to follow his advice. 

It has been my dream to see him teach at his school.  Ron Clark has been someone I have admire as a teacher.  I logged into his site and then proceeded to follow my dreams.  I enrolled to attend the National educators Conference at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta Georgia.  I by chance had money left over from my tax return so I thought What the hell Let's do this.  I prepared for my trip.  I research the town and the school more. 

June 5th I boarded the plane for my trip to RCA.  It has been a long time since I was on a plane and I have never gone some where alone but I was prepared and ready for this adventure.  After landing, I made my way to the Metro train.  I was a little scared I would miss my stop and get lost but I made it.  Walking to my hotel I was taking in the sights.  Time was running short until the conference started.  FYI for later plan longer time when relying on  public transportation.  I went from plane, to train, to hotel then checked into my room, dropped my bags checked my hair and made my way downstairs to check into the conference.  Then boarded the bus to begin my tour of the school.  When we arrived, Ron greeted us with his enthusiasm and smiles.

As soon as we stepped off of the bus, we were greeted with so much excitement, smiles, and amazing students and staff from RCA.  Our tour began in the library.  This library has a trampoline.  Students were greeting us and having such great conversations.  I was in ahhhhh.

We were had a student tour guide.  He took my group around the school telling us facts about this and that about the school and him.  Your senses are in overload drive.  I was taking it all in, the sites and the sounds.  Day one ended with a concert.  They really rocked the classics and current hit songs.  Cocktails and apps were served and we were welcomed to walk around the school more.

 Introduction of the teacher and staff by Ron himself.  He spoke to us.

 Even the bathrooms are decorated in different themes.  This is one of them.
I couldn't sleep once I arrived back in my room.  My mind was just rolling with all the things I witnessed and saw that evening.  I was looking forward to Day 2.  Day 2 was going to be workshops with the teachers in their classrooms.

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