Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reflection Question #2

What is something you tried in your classroom this year for the first time? How did it go?

I been reflecting on last year's class and answering questions to help improve myself and to help better my students' learning.  One thing I tried last year was the year long theme "Around the world with Pre-K". It was a bit of a challenge for me.  Why you ask?  One thing that was a challenge for me was to continue the theme throughout the year.  I wanted learning to connect to countries but not over whelm my students.  Another thing was finding material that was appropriate for my group.  As I have been reflecting about this theme, one question pops up in my mind "Should I do this theme again?"  I have been tossing that one back and forth.  I found some great ideas from Pinterest with this theme.  Some ideas running through my head: learning the countries letters and numbers, reading books and then mapping where the book took place on our map.  Much more things but save that for later.

 The whole class holding the chain that they measured the room with.
 Students using connecting cubes to measure the height of the plants and the length of our garden bed.

Another new thing I tried was gardening and connecting it with learning.  This was a big success with this group.  Two things I love gardening and teaching.  One concept that the students picked up on was measuring and for my age group they measure with objects not rulers.  But I introduce rulers to my students cause I saw that they were ready for it.  They ran away with it.  They took measuring the plants and garden bed from outside and brought it into the classroom with measuring the room, the chairs, the tables and so much more.  I got to see their minds grow.  It was a great feeling to see the learning they got from a ruler and a garden.

I am going to take this question a step further and ask myself what new things do I want to do this coming school year?  Here is my list:

1. getting to work with a Promethean board  (YEAH!!!)
2. using a new lesson plan format
3. laying out my classroom differently (have to since I have a Promethean board now. Have to arrange room to best utilize it)
4. re-vamp my learning centers both for literacy and math.
5. bringing writing into the gardens (having them labeling and journal more)
6. blogging in a PLC group. (saw this from another blogger and thought this is a great idea) so I am going to try it. here is the info:
                                    #4 Blogger for a PLC!
Have teachers create and contribute to a blog - together! Don't think of this as necessarily the type of blog with others outside of your PLC read (although they can and this can be great support/feedback), but more of a virtual meeting space to discuss practice and learn together. They can upload video, pictures and text to share ideas, challenges and solutions. This helps alleviate the, "When can everyone meet?" or lack of common planning time. Another great outcome is that all of your "meetings" are automatically archived. So all learning and brainstorming can be referenced throughout the year - and years - to come. Here is an example of a virtual PLC we did this year around our technology integration. In our first year, we set it to private - just for us to learn and collaborate - but are now considering opening it to learn with the world.

We will see how the new changes will affect me as a teacher and the students' learning.

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