I have been pinning from Pinterest and came across some really good ideas and spent the afternoon working on a few anchor charts. I have used charts in my classroom but not like these. As the end of a school ends and the new one gets ready to begin, I reflect on the school year as to ways to improve myself, my teaching and student learning. So some of these charts I think will help my ELL students have a visual as well as the non-ELL students.
This anchor chart I hopes illustrates a good listener. It lets them know the points of a good listener: eyes watching, ears listening, mouth waits to talk, hands in lap, raise hand to talk, face forward, and sit criss cross apple sauce.
This anchor chart I plan to use with our 3rd grade reading buddies. It will help our reading buddies see how to sit and what they can do with their little buddy. They can choose a book together, echo read, ask questions about a certain page, and practice sitting EEKK (elbow-elbow knee knee) with the book in the middle of their laps.
:) Can't wait to see what else you come up with!