The lovely ladies I attended with. We had some fun being silly for a photo and learned quite a bit. I am not a person who follows politics and such but I am starting to find my voice as a parent and as a teacher to speak up for my students. This year I want to educate the parents on their voice as well. We need to take back our education system for our future and for our children. We are letting people take away our rights and our student's rights. We did show the state and the politicians we are tired of the BS and we voted out our superintendent. We will have someone fresh and someone who has taught before help bring Oklahoma from being 49th.
Selfie of me and my bff while waiting for the conference to start after breakfast. I am excited to be working with her as our PTA president and this year as her son's teacher. She will be making a big difference in our school. In the past my school's PTA didn't do anything and couldn't stay a functioning PTA. This last year she helped get new members, started several new things to the students like a skate night, school dance, and a silent auction dinner.
If anyone reads my blog please take the time to be a part of your child's PTA, go register to VOTE, and have a voice in education. We need to let others know education is the number one priority. Without education our future is grime. We want our students to be competitive thinkers. One day they will be running this country and taking care of us when we are old.