Monday, December 23, 2013

December Activities

This December I once again introduced my class to "Pancake" our Christmas elf.  On the first day, my class received an letter from Santa announcing the arrival of his favorite elf and to keep and eye out.  Later that day Pancake arrived hanging from the ceiling but the students didn't notice him until he decided to read some books at our book shelf.

 Each day he moved about the classroom.  The first things my students would say when they walked in each morning and every time after that throughout the day, "Where's Pancake?"  Him and his friends had too much fun and messed up all the chairs.  Pancake left another note explaining what happened to the chairs.

 Pancake moved about the room hanging out on the Chicka Boom Boom tree
 Then on our family tree.
And even in our emergency bag
Then he got really into messing with us, he taped the door so we couldn't get in lol.

And then got himself stunk in the tape.

Monday, December 9, 2013

My Favorite Ornaments

My best friend started a linky party of our 5 top favorite ornaments. This is a hard one to choose. My tree can't hold all of the ornaments my children have made over the years and I have them all LOL.  So like I said hard to choose a favorite but here are my top 5:


These three ornaments are the very first ones my dad gave me after I left home for college and had my own tree. I know its not homemade but I remember getting them and still remember.


These next three are my teacher ornaments.  They show others my profession that I am proud of.  I got these ornaments the year after I started teaching more than 13 years ago.


These two ornaments are my babies.  The top one is my oldest son who will be turning 18 in less than a month.  He was 2 in the picture and my mom made me the ornament.  The bottom one is my youngest son who will be turning 16 in April.  This is his first Christmas picture and first Christmas.  I received these ornaments in 1998 from my mom.


These two ornaments I got in 2007.  The top one is Oklahoma's 100th year of statehood.  The bottom one I got the same year, I just love how the snowman is inside the globe.

My last favorite ornament is of my nephew Moses.  He sent me this ornament in 2012, he is 2 in this picture and was living in Turpin, Oklahoma over 6 hrs away from us.  I miss having him close where we could just run over and visit.

So I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my favorite ornaments.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

I'm back lol

Well it has been awhile since I blogged last, but here I am lol.  I can't believe today is December 1st already.  The school year is going great and super busy.  It's been super super busy.  My oldest son is a senior this year and we just finished up football season with him.  I am so proud of my son.
Before I know it he will be on his way to college.  He had a rough season dealing with a knee injury he received on homecoming night. November was a rough month all three of us as well.We dealt with illnesses, injures, a fire and serious burns( my youngest), but with faith and God's angels watching over us we made it through.