Friday, October 28, 2011

End of 1st quarter

I haven't posted a blog in awhile.  The 1st quarter ended last week and the 2nd has started.  This week  my students enjoyed learning about pumpkins.  We did many things to learn about pumpkins.  My parents were great in helping provide baby pumpkins for the children to explore with magnifying glasses and to explore in water to see if they would sink or float.  I brought a large pumpkin for the children to make predictions with orange yarn to see if they could guess the circumference of the pumpkin with their yarn,  Then they had to place their string on the chart marked too short, just right, or too long.  We also learned the life cycle of the pumpkin from seed to pumpkin. 

A few of the other themes we have done so far this year and in the first quarter were, getting to know me, apples, fall and leaves.  The students are picking up the letters I have introduced quite well.  All but maybe 2 students can count to 10 already.  They also know their colors, most know their shapes (square is the one giving them trouble), and they know the parts of the books.  I have been introducing things like question marks at the end of a question, nouns, and characters.  Many students are locating the letters we are learning in our classroom and environment.  This year I have introduced homework packets to the students and parents.  Students are showing responsibility of completing their work and parents are guiding them.  I will post some pictures of their work on my next post.